Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Dreaded Clogged Drain.

If you live in a Far West Suburban Chicagoland home long enough you will probably experience clogged drains. They are configured a bit like a tree and its many branches. Your home has a main line and sublines that run off it that are typically a bit smaller in size. A toilet is the most common place to find a clogged drain.

The most likely causes of a clogged drain in your Chicagoland area home are –

1.  Tree roots…they just keep growing clogging up the system.

2.  Flushable wipes…be careful how many you relegate to the toilet.

3.  Baby related products and even feminine hygiene ones

4.  Don’t pour excessive amounts of grease or oil down your sink.

5.  A build-up of hair will continue to accumulate.

Unclogging drains are one of the many things they do at Bee Plumbing. Scott and his team will have your drains flowing smoothly and efficiently again. If you live in the middle and lower Fox Valley, please visit on the internet. For service just call the number that serves your area anytime whether it is an emergency or not.

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