Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Soon it Will Be Freezing Out Here…and Down There.

Those of us who live in around the Fox Valley know that one of the worst things that can happen to any homeowner during winter is having a pipe freeze. We will go one step further…that is having a frozen pipe burst. That is about the worst thing that can happen to any homeowner during the upcoming winter.

Do mains in the far Northwest Chicagoland suburbs actually freeze? The answer is an emphatic yes! The answer to this questions is really simple…it’s possible for all of your plumbing lines to freeze if the conditions permit.  This will cause almost every drain and plumbing fixture in your home to back up from an ice clog within a pipe.

What is the best way to thaw out a frozen sewer line? The answer is simple…call me Scott Swanson at Bee Plumbing. This is not something that you wait to heal on its own as your piping is one hard freeze away from potential disaster. Look me up on the web at then call the phone number in your specific area.

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