Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Don’t Let the Sump Pump Freeze.

It is not exactly as popular of a phrase as “don’t let the bedbugs bite”, but you will be glad that you avoided it this winter in the Far Western Suburbs of Chicagoland. Pipes can become covered with snow and ice in the winter around the Fox Valley. This can spell disaster for your basement if the sump pump water cannot exit the line outside.

Here are some tips from Fox Valley plumber Scott Swanson to keep that from happening –


1.  Keep water flowing through the pipes.

2.  Create a bit of a slope for your sump pump.

3.  Protect the pipes from freezing air outdoors.

4.  Adjust the distance between the pump and the discharge hose.

Maybe these are DIY jobs, and maybe they aren’t. One thing is certain…if you have sump pump repair issues this winter in Chicagoland’s Fox Valley all you have to do is call on sump pump repair and replacement expert Scott Swanson, the owner of Bee Plumbing. To make sure that you call the correct number just visit bee-plumbinginc.com.

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