Wednesday, August 4, 2021

How Often Should your Backflow Device be Tested?

The answer is very simple and irrefutable…once each year! Everybody in the Fox Valley and the growing area around Sandwich has to do their part to ensure that the water supply used by the public is protected against contamination. Scott at Bee Plumbing will help ensure that you are doing your part.

Not just to put a finer point on this, but failure to do so can lead to you receiving a ticket. Your water could even be cut off… and it is also considered a criminal offense! This is serious business. Your backflow needs to be tested once a year, every year.

Bee Plumbing will help you become compliant with the laws of the land. If you have a backflow device on your residential or commercial property, please contact Scott to have your backflow tested and repaired if necessary. Bee Plumbing of Sandwich serves the plumbing needs throughout the central and southern Fox Valley. Visit for the location nearest you.

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