Thursday, November 21, 2019

Small Does NOT mean Cheap.

Whether the subject is diamonds or plumbing, small does not mean cheap!  In the world of plumbing often times the more expensive job is the smaller one.  Take a “free” estimate for example.  The plumbing company may say, sure we will give you a free estimate, then jack up the price so that you pay for it (and more) in the end.

Remember what your parents told you…nothing in life is free!  The bottom line is… If you can’t afford a nominal dispatch fee you can’t afford quality affordable plumbing work.  Please consider that point carefully before you fall for the “free estimate” routine.

Scott and his crew at Bee Plumbing will forthrightly charge a $50 dispatch fee.   Please understand that every plumbing company both large and small has fixed expenses that must be paid by someone.  The folks at Bee Plumbing just wanted you to know.  Visit on the web and call the number that is closest to your home in the Fox Valley.

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