Tuesday, April 16, 2019

To Tank or not to Tank…That is the Question.

With all due respect to the Bard this is a modern question that people throughout the far Western Suburbs of Chicagoland may be asking.  It refers to tankless or traditional tank water heaters.  Which is better?  Well, there are pros and cons for both.  Hot water on demand vs. the overall cost is one of them.

If you have several residents in your household, you may be all to familiar how difficult it is to get a hot shower when others have beaten you to it.  A tankless water heater uses high powered burners to rapidly heat water as it runs through the heat exchanger and is delivered directly to the faucets without a storing tank. 

We are not here trying to convince you to have one or the other installed.  After you have done the research, the next logical question is whom to hire to install it.  May we suggest Scott Swanson of Bee Plumbing Inc?  Please visit his website at bee-plumbinginc.com then call the number that properly corresponds to your specific location.

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